Sanseido 2009.05.08

English Papers on Sociolinguistics and Computational Dialectology
―――Language Market, New Dialect and Dialect Image―――
Fumio Inoue
Sanseido 2009.05.08

The Complete list of English papers by Fumio Inoue is recorded in this page. When the names of papers displayed in red and yellow are clicked, the pdf file of the papers is shown. It takes some time to download it, but it is possible to preserve and print. The papers displayed in blue are of the same content with other papers or a short paper. They will not be open to the public in the Internet.

It became possible to open to the public on the Internet by the goodwill of Sanseido. Any publisher will not publish a collection of English papers written in the past. I occasionally distributed individual papers in the form of offprint, but it was possible to distribute to only a few people. From now on, any person interested can readily read by opening to the public on the Internet.

Repetitions were partly found, when all the papers are actually scanned, printed, and arranged according to the field. The same distribution map of Japan is shown several times, for example. The basic information had to be repeated every time when writing for different readers. Even the deletion of this repetition would have been a serious work if publication in the shape of the book is attempted. It is likely not to have completed eternally. In this sense, being able to open to the public in shape as it is welcome.

The papers until 2008 become about 40. After graduate school, I seem to have written at the rate of one paper a year on the average. I did not think that the number of total pages reached page 600.

I wish to express my gratitude to Professor Takesi SIBATA who made the chance to write a paper in English and Professor Sachiko IDE who explained the importance of writing English papers. Courage to write in English was given because native speaker researchers readily and candidly undertook the native check. I am happy that there were good people around myself. I again wish to express my sincere gratitude to Mrs. Diane Rimmer, Mr. Wayne Lawrence and Mr. Daniel Long. I wish to express my gratitude to Sanseido to have offered this space, to Mr. Koichi YAMAMOTO who arranged to make work, to Mr. Kanetaka YARIMIZU to have attempted to build Internet homepage and Mr. Yuan JIANG who undertook the scanning work.

List of keywords


Language market, language education programs, language schools, prices of dictionaries, multilingual signs, economy of language, scale of languages, relative and absolute difficulties of languages, multilingualism, measurement of market value of languages, language industry, emotional value of language, corpus planning, status planning, English in university education, coining technical terms, academic English, multilingual signs, songs with foreign words, alphabetic signboards, alphabetic title of magazines, language service, linguistic landscape, economical power of German and Japanese, GNP, GDP, foreign language education.


Japanese dialects, real time survey of standardization, new dialect, Tokyo new dialect, umbrella model, expert accent, new intonation, language distance, S curve, S-shaped curve, Tsuruoka, Yamazoe, multi-dimensional analysis, Hayashi’s quantificational theory type 3, Hayashi 3, absolute year of birth, real time, apparent time, language death, three generations for language change, isolated dialect forms, substratum, Kasai data, Linguistic Atlas of Japan, linguistic geography, language standardization, Jomon culture, Yayoi culture, Ainu language, CLAE, Linguistic Atlas of England, Multivariate analysis, cumulative map, dialect division, dialect classification, gravity center method.


New dialect, age-area survey, glottogram, Hayashi’s quantificational theory type 3, Hayashi 3, style-shift, linguistic change, Tokyo colloquial, interlingual dialectology, new dialect formation, Chinese loanwords, European loanwords, technical terms, word-accent change, accent of loanwords, expert accent, flat accent, sociolinguistic group, doublets, diffusion, intonation, four fields of sociolinguistics, bottom-up intonation, rise-fall intonation, change in progress, perception, judgment, discreteness, uptalk, Australian questioning intonation, pseudo-questioning intonation, half question, discourse function of intonation.


Computational dialectology, GLAPS, quantitative dialectology, isogloss, Goebl, Dialektometrie, dialectometry, Sibata, network method, Viereck, identity method, Kasai data, factor analysis, cluster analysis, Cichocky, correspondence analysis, Hayashi 3, gravity center method, gravity center graph method, average cumulative gravity center method, railway distance gravity center, distance center method, geographical continuum, geographical distance center, rate of diffusion, three stages of standardization, dialect classification, standard Japanese, first appearance.


Dialect image, new dialect, glottogram, dialect classification, intellectual image, emotional image, affective image, English dialect image, subjective dialect division, standardness, mental map, multivariate analysis.


Takesi Sibata, literacy survey, language standardization, honorifics, Linguistic Atlas of Japan, Linguistic Atlas of Itoigawa, Hawaiian Japanese, Hawaii, Nisei.






英語で論文を書くきっかけを作ってくださった柴田武Takesi SIBATA先生、英語論文執筆の重要性を説いてくださった井出祥子Sachiko IDE先生に、感謝いたします。英語で書く勇気ができたのは、ネイティブスピーカーの研究者が、気軽にかつ気さくにネイティブチェックを引き受けてくれたからです。いい方々が身近にいて幸せでした。ダイアン・リマーDiane Rimmerさん、ウェイン・ローレンスWayne Lawrenceさん、ダニエル・ロングDaniel Longさんに改めて心から感謝いたします。

今回のスペースを提供してくださった三省堂、作業の手配してくださった山本康一Koichi YAMAMOTO様、そもそものきっかけを作った鑓水兼貴Kanetaka YARIMIZUさん、スキャン作業を引き受けてくれた江源JIANG Yuanさんに、改めて感謝します。

List of keywords 論文キーワード一覧


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