三省堂 辞書ウェブ編集部による ことばの壺

- 定価
- 3,520円
(本体 3,200円+税10%) - 判型
- B6変判
- ページ数
- 1,408ページ
- 4-385-10683-5
- 1999年5月25日
- 普通版 発行
- 2000年4月20日
- 小型版 発行
- 2000年4月20日
- 外国人のためのローマ字和英辞典 発行
- 2000年4月20日
- 外国人のためのローマ字英和辞典 発行
- ローマ字で日本語を学習する外国人のためのローマ字付き辞典。日本語部分にローマ字を付す。
- ある英語の意味が日本語では何というかを示すローマ字英和、ある日本語が英語の何に当たるかを示すローマ字和英の合本。
- 英和(5万)・和英(6万)合せて約11万項目。
- A Must for Learners of Japanese. Over 110,000 words, phrases, compounds.
- Romaji English-Japanese Dictionary:Over 50,000 entries, phrases, compounds with romanized Japanese definition.
- Romaji Japanese-English Dictionary:Over 60,000 romanized entries, compounds, phrases followed by the English translation.
A Must for Learners of Japanese. Over 110,000 words, phrases, compounds. Romaji English-Japanese Dictionary:Over 50,000 entries, phrases, compounds with romanized Japanese definition. Romaji Japanese-English Dictionary:Over 60,000 romanized entries, compounds, phrases followed by the English translation.
This dictionary has been prepared to aid those learning Japanese as a foreign language. It is often commented that the Japanese script, particularly the reading of kanji, is an obstacle to learners in their study of Japanese. For that reason, this dictionary provides romanized spelling of all Japanese words and expressions appearing in both the English-Japanese and Japanese-English sections.
An English speaker wishing to know the equivalent of an English expression in Japanese consulting this dictionary, is provided with the Japanese expression in both romanized spelling and kana-kanji. Conversely, when he or she wishes to know which English word or words equate to a particular Japanese expression the Japenese-English section can be consulted without knowledge of kana or kanji.
As an aid to pronounciation, accent pitch is indicated for entry words in the Japanese-English section.
Focussing on words in general, everyday use, we have endeavored to provide as many words as possible within the limitations of the concise format employed. The English-Japanese section contains approximately 50,000 entry words, phrases, compounds and the Japanese-English section approximately 60,000.
We hope that the dictionary will be of the greatest use to learners of Japanese.
Finally, we express our heartfelt thanks to the many people who contributed to the production of this dictionary.
April 1999