(English below)
● Exマークとは何か
● 入試頻出の複合語は盲点
climate change(気候変動), developing country(開発途上国), eating habits(食習慣), family life(家庭生活), fast food(ファストフード), fossil fuel(化石燃料), global warming(地球温暖化), health care(医療、健康管理), human rights(人権), information technology(情報技術), mass media(マスメディア), natural resources(天然資源), old age(老年、老齢), public health(公衆衛生), social media(ソーシャルメディア), working hours(労働時間)
● Exマークの語には豊富な用例
provide economic and food aid to developing countries
place more importance on family life than on one's career
excessive reliance on fossil fuels
Greenhouse gases contribute to global warming.
human rights abuses
The country is rich in natural resources.
This virus presents a serious risk to public health.
Long working hours can be bad for the health.
● 入試頻出複合語は読解にも英作にも役立つ
近年、多くの大学入試で受験者にいわゆる自由英作文が課されています。これらの複合語についてのしっかりした知識は、読解だけではなく英作文、もちろん和文英訳にもきわめて役に立ちます。たとえば、「地球温暖化のため…」の英訳として、Because of global warming... と書けたほうが Because the earth is getting hotter... と書くよりもずっと高い評価が与えられるのです。なぜならば、使用するべき適切な語彙を知っていることがわかるからです。これとまったく同じことが単語の場合にもあてはまるのは言うまでもありません。
● 原文
In order to make the dictionary more useful for university entrance exam preparation, we analysed word frequency in more than 2,100 entrance exams from the years 2013-2015 and selected the top 2,310 non-3-star words to which to give a special mark, the Ex mark. (We excluded 3-star words from such marking as they are very high frequency words that should already have been thoroughly learned at junior high school.) We then divided those 2,310 words according to frequency into two roughly equal groups marked Ex1 and Ex2.
The 1,320 3-star words and the 1,130 Ex1 words in GC4 together cover an average of about 80% of the general vocabulary in a typical entrance exam, and over 85% when the 1,180 Ex2 words are included, so a thorough mastery of these 3,630 words will thus be highly advantageous to entrance exam candidates.
It is notable that no other comparable dictionary provides this level of information specifically to aid students in preparing for entrance exams.
Among the 2,310 items with an Ex mark there are about 250 compound headwords, similarly divided into two groups, Ex1 and Ex2, which well reflect the kind of real-world issues that appear frequently in entrance exams in recent years. A few examples are:
climate change, developing country, eating habits, family life, fast food, fossil fuel, global warming, health care, human rights, information technology, mass media, natural resources, old age, public health, social media, working hours
As is the case with single-word headwords, illustrative phrases and sentences under these compound headwords in GC4 show useful typical contexts for such items:
provide economic and food aid to developing countries
place more importance on family life than on one's career
excessive reliance on fossil fuels
Green house gases contribute to global warming.
human rights abuses
The country is rich in natural resources.
This virus presents a serious risk to public health.
Long working hours can be bad for the health.
In recent years many entrance exams require students to write a so-called free composition in English, and a good knowledge of these compounds is extremely useful not only for reading but also for composition, as well as for Japanese-English translation. For example, with a phrase such as 地球温暖化のため..., you will be more highly evaluated if you can write Because of global warming... than if you write Because the earth is getting hotter... , thus showing that you know the correct vocabulary to use. It goes without saying that the same is true of single words.
Paul E. Davenport
● Exマーク入試語彙学習法 実践編
- 引いたら一般的な頻度の*印とExマークを必ずチェックして、頻度レベルを確認するクセをつける
- 引いたExマークのついた語は必ず何度か声にだして音読する
- 引いたExマークのついた語が複合語だった場合、前後の複合語も確認してみる
- 引いたExマークのついた語の先頭に、自分の好きなマークを細い色ペンなどで記入する
- 引いたExマークのついた語の下にアンダーラインを引く(Ex1/Ex2で色分けもよい)
- 引いたExマークのついた語は意味の確認だけではなく、用例も必ず読む
- 引いたExマークのついた語、重要な意味、例文を、ExページまたはEx専用ノートをつくって書き写す
- 引いたExマークのついた語は日本語を見て英語が書けるようになるまで練習する(自由英作文・和文英訳対策)