

Zūzūshi, -i, -ki, ずうずうし, a. [coll.] Audacious; impudent; presumptuous; venturesome.
Zūzūshii yatsu, ズウズウシイ奴, a presumptuous fellow.
Neko, ねこ, 猫, n. ①[Zoöl.] Cat, Felis domestica. ②[coll.] Singing girl (so named in derision, from their musical instrument samisen being made with cat’s skin).
Neko wo kaburu, 猫ヲ被ル, [coll.] to put on a mask; to assume an air of innocence, modesty, or honesty; Neko ni katsubushi, 猫ニ鰹節, [coll.] [Prov.] like showing dried fish to a cat (said of an object of irresistible temptation); Neko ni koban, 猫ニ小判, [coll. prov.] [lit.] giving a gold coin to a cat (so valueless to the receiver); throwing pearls before swine.
Inu, いぬ, 犬, 狗, n. [Zoöl.] A dog, Canis familiaris.
Inu mo arukeba bō ni ataru, 犬モアルケバ棒ニ当ル, [coll. Prov.] [lit.] even a dog, if it roams comes in contact with a stick; i.e. even, a trifling profit cannot be realized by sitting idly at home; Inu wa mon wo mamoru, 犬ハ門を守ル, the dog watchesthe gate; Inu wo keshikakeru, 犬ヲ嗾ケル, to set a dog on; Kai inu ni te wo kamaru, 蓄犬ニ手ヲ噬マル, [lit.] to have the hand bitten by one’s own dog; [fig.] to be betrayed by one’s own dependent.